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Kris Jones

Artist’s Statement - Gallery I

I created all twenty-seven of the artworks in this series during a turgid, and for me, prolific two month period immediately subsequent to my return from an extended visit and tour of much of Western Europe. During this tour my primary focus had been to view the contents of as many art museums as humanly possible. I spent my days and weeks doing exactly that, traveling from Amsterdam to Paris, to Marseille to Barcelona, to Madrid to Bilbao, playing my flute into the late evenings, recharging my energies both spiritual and physical, only to do it all over again the following day. Upon my return I was ‘hyper’ beyond description. The only option open to my mind and soul was to begin this work. In my exploration of woman’s sexuality, developed of course within the experiential context of all of my own allusions and illusions, I have pursued both the act and artifice of revelation—when has it happened? How? Why?

When choosing to ‘reveal’ or even to ‘experience’ revelation, one must free oneself from pre-supposition—probably a quest for a lifetime in and of itself—but if this life’s posture can be accomplished, then a freedom from pre-definition and ultimately an epiphany of insight can be achieved. These women in these revelatory postures are representative of my achievement during this period. I hope the viewer is able to appreciate the efforts of my journey, as well as the results of my process.

Revelation is by nature partial and piecemeal. In these artworks I have focused on those particular mysteries which are for me the most portentous and sounding the deepest depths, for it is these that for me also provide the most satisfying pleasures. This pursuit is of course a universal journey. I would only bid you welcome to explore a portion of my pathway—knowing that in the end it can be only your own that will matter, but I appreciate and thank you for your company.

Kris Jones
Olympia, WA
February, 2011

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